

Friday, Feb 3rd:   

  • [Optional]  Pre-Waltz Week Ball: "The BOKU Ball" 
             (See "Ball" page for more information) 

Saturday, Feb 4th:   

  • [Optional]  Beginning-level "blues", "cross-step waltz", and "fusion swing" workshops for locals, taught by Ari & Whitney  (See "Saturday Workshop" page for more information)
  • [Optional]  Pre-Waltz Week Ball: "The IAEA Ball" 
             (See "Ball" page for more information) 

Sunday, Feb 5th:  

  • Free day for shopping, touring, settling in....
  • [Optional] Pre-Superbowl Group Dinner & Social:  6:30 - 9:00pm (details TBA, no host)
  • [Optional] Superbowl party at the Vienna's Hotel Marriot (late night).  Details TBA.


Monday, Feb 6th:  

  • "Waltz Week" Registration & Introductions:  12:30 - 1:00 pm
  • Workshops:  1:00 - 5:45 pm
  • Welcome Dinner & Group Social at The Restaurant " Plachutta" (  Details TBA, no host.

 Tuesday, Feb 7th:  

  • Workshops:    9:30am - 5:30pm
  • Dance Practice or Group Outing (details TBA)

Wednesday, Feb 8th:  

  • Workshops:  9:30am - 1:00pm
  • Walking Historic Tour of Vienna Old Town (included):  2-5pm
  • Group dinner at local 600 year old Weinkeller

Thursday, Feb 9th:  

  • Workshops:  9:30am - 5:30pm
  • Dance Practice or Group Outing (details TBA)

Friday, Feb 10th:  

  • Workshops:  9:30am - 12:00pm
  • Group Lunch at Historic Weinkeller ("Esterhazykeller"), Ball Prep
  • Waltz Week Ball:  "The Kaffeeseider Ball" 7:30pm - 4:30am (Saturday morning)                                                                                         (See "Ball" page for more information)



Saturday, Feb 11th:    

  • Free day for Shopping, Site-seeing, Ball Preparation, Privates, etc.
  • Optional group hike through local wine country, followed by lunch at historic regional  weinkeller
  • Johann Strauss Ball at the Kursalon Ball, 7:30pm - 4:30am (Sunday morning)*                                                                             (See "Ball" page for more information)

Sunday, Feb 12th:  

  • Free day for Shopping, Site-seeing, and Optional Group Activities
  • Optional Group Goodbye Brunch (details TBA)
  • Airport departures


*Note:  If you plan to attend the Saturday Strauss Ball and stay through early Sunday morning, you might consider arranging your travel home no earlier than Sunday evening (Feb 12th) or Monday morning (Feb 13th) so that you can really savor the Ball experience.




  • Sandra/Axel's Class = Blue  
  • Ari/Whitney's Class = Red


FRIDAY, Feb 3rd

EVENING:                            BOKU Ball [optional] (8pm - 5am)   


11:00-5:15 Optional Workshops: Ari & Whitney teach Beginning level  workshops in "Blues", "Cross-Step Waltz", & "Fusion Swing" for locals.  [See "Saturday Workshop" page for details]  

EVENING:  IAEA Ball [optional] (7pm - 4:30am)



SUNDAY, Feb 5th

[Free Day, post-IAEA Ball sleep-in, opportunity to tour the city and settle in]

Optional] Pre-Superbowl Party group dinner at local "traditional Viennese" Restaurant

LATE EVENING: [Optional] Superbowl Party at the Hotel Marriot!  (largest one in Europe)

 MONDAY, Feb 6th

[Free Morning, post-superbowl sleep-in, touring, shopping]  


Camp registration, sign in, introductions

1:00-2:00  Intro to Viennese connection & styling, Waltz #1 

2:00-3:00  Ballroom #1   

3:15-4:15   Intro to American connection and styling, Swing #1

4:15-5:00   Latin Variations #1


Quadrille #1


EVENING: Group dinner at the "Plachutta"

 TUESDAY, Feb 7th

9:30-10:30:   Latin Variations #2

10:45-11:45:  American Waltz #1   

12:00-1:00:  LUNCH        

1:00-2:00:  Swing #2

2:15-3:15:  Ballroom #2  

3:30-4:30:  Viennese Waltz #2

4:45-5:30:  Quadrille/Polka #2 

EVENING:  Dance Practice



9:30-10:30:  Ballroom #3 

10:45-11:45:   American Waltz #2   

12:00-1:00:    Swing Variations #3

1:00-2:00:  LUNCH

2:00-5:00:  Historical Walking Tour of the City (included)

Dinner at local weinkeller                  

EVENING:  Dance Practice

 THURSDAY, Feb 9th

9:30-10:30:   Latin Variations #3

10:45-11:45:  American Waltz #3   

12:00-1:00:  LUNCH       

1:00-2:00:  Swing #4

2:15-3:15:  Ballroom #4  

3:30-4:30:  Viennese Waltz #3

4:45-5:30:   Quadrille/Polka #3  

EVENING: Dance Practice         

  FRIDAY, Feb 10th

9:30-10:30:    Instructors Choice (or review) 

10:45-11:45:  Instructors Choice (or review)   

12:00-1:00:  LUNC

    Free Time (shopping, sight-seeing, R&R, privates, Ball prep, etc)                                    

EVENING:                            Kaffeesieder Ball [Waltz Week Event] (7:30pm - 4:30am)

SATURDAY, Feb 11th

Free Day (shopping, sight-seeing, R&R, Ball prep, privates, etc)  

Optional group hike through nearby wine country, followed by dinner at traditional regional weinkeller

EVENING:                            Johann Strauss Ball at Kursalon [optional] (7:30pm - 4:30am)

 SUNDAY, Feb 12th

Free Day (shopping, sight-seeing, R&R, etc)  

Optional group good-bye brunch (TBA)

Airport departures